just my two cents about [b]Sad Princess[/b]
Lets put it this way: You probably shouldnt buy Sad Princess other than you want to support the idea of Vanillaware-inspired graphics and gameplay.
The art is very pretty but the game bored me to death already at stage 2-3. I thought I was going to fight on some proper scrolling levels, instead its basically little more than a screen with a background where you fight countless of identical enemies with zero variety and zero depth to the combat.
And believe me I loved Muramasa almost as much as I love classic beat em ups, so Im not knocking it down cause of the genre.
They should probablg "just" flesh out the meat of the game a bit and then sell it for, say, €3,79 with Universal support.
At this point I honestly cant recommend it, sorry.
Dash Kappei NeoGAF about Sad Princess, v1.1